Bárbara Sánchez

The caprice’s satisfaction is a celebration regarding the figure of Isadora Duncan that extols life and death as universal principles that make the world roar. It is a choral piece that deals with her biography and her work. Nine women are thrown into space in which everything needs to be done. A destroyed dead space in which moved by music, they connect with an internal vital impulse that they pull out without listening to their intellect. What one can see: Bodies in trance, understood not as a mental alienation, but as a state of excessive sensitivity towards life. After this situation, all that remains is the certainty of the power given by the achieved desire.

Creation and performance: Bárbara Sánchez, Amanda Palma, Rocío Guzmán, Ana G.Morales, Lucía Vázquez Madrid, Raquel Luque Márquez, María Cabeza de Vaca, Eloisa Cantón, Ellavled Alcano Bruzual.
Direction: Bárbara Sánchez.
Playwriting: Raquel Campuzano Godoy.
Voice direction: Rocío Guzmán.
Executive production: Ana Yacobi.
Original music: Eloisa Cantón, Rocío Guzmán.
Photo: Óscar Romero, Ana Yacobi.
Year: 2013.